Kundel Inventions

Atlas Earth Support

Solid Forged Sockets…

Kundel has developed the only solid-forged socket to be utilized in a trench box….EVER! As part of the on-going quest to be the best, Kundel’s engineers have come up with a way to increase strength by 5x compared to an old-fashioned pipe socket. Plus you get the swivel needed for driving the box into the ground… fast… where it belongs. Again, faster installation of the box into the trench means more pipe goes into the ground everyday…making you more productive and more profit at the end of the job.

Heavy-Duty Spreader Ends…

As the name implies, a solid-forged pipe-end is designed to be the best mate to receive the solid socket. Beveled where it meets the panel to allow for about 5 degrees of movement for the proper amount of racking in normal conditions

Titan Racking End Adapters…

Goes between the spreader & socket. Gives you 15 degrees of racking while allowing the box walls to remain straight & plumb. This is another innovation unique to Kundel that allows for fast box placement.

We’ll help keep the trench, & OSHA…off your back!


At North East Shoring Corp., Inc., we’re focused on keeping the trench and OSHA off your back.

You’re in the middle of a job, and it’s tough to keep everyone safe. A construction site requires everyone to be on high alert all the time. So, you’re stressed and trying to keep people working while also following safety guidelines to the best of your ability. After decades of excavation and trench shoring experience, North East Shoring Corp., Inc. knows what you’re going through. Just know you’re not alone in finding the absolute best trench boxes for your operation.

Imagine calling a trench box company and renting what you need in a single phone call. Think about how easy it would be to plan the rest of your job if you could guarantee when your trench boxes would be on-site. Just picture how quickly and efficiently your crews could work with the proper boxes and equipment. You can stop dreaming and buy or rent trench boxes from North East Shoring Corp., Inc. right now. It’s only a phone call away.
